Kley Access Notifications

  1. Check the inbox for the email you are using for your marshallart.com membership.
  2. for an email with this subject: Here are your free Kley videos!
  3. Action Required: Download the videos before the May 15 deadline.
  4. Keep a backup of your downloads in a safe place! You will not be able to download them again after the deadline unless you purchase the series.

If you did not get this email, here are some possible reasons and solutions:

You did not upgrade your membership.
Read here for more info.
We are still processing access notifications.
Even if the schedule indicates that access is open, your access may still be in progress. Check your membership email tomorrow.
If it’s been more than two days since you upgraded your membership, contact webinar support and include your marshallart.com username and email address in your support request.

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